Stormwater runoff can accumulate debris, chemicals, sediment and other pollutants that can adversely affect water quality when left untreated. At CAL INC, we specialize in providing the best in stormwater consulting and management services to municipalities, manufacturers and contractors throughout Alameda County. Our highly experiencedstormwater consulting team can assist you whether you need help meeting the demands of an existing compliance initiative or putting a new initiative in place anywhere in Alameda County.
When precipitation from rain or snowmelt in Alameda County runs over land and impervious surfaces but doesn't penetrate into the ground, stormwater runoff is created. Current Alameda County regulations mandate how stormwater must be dealt with on construction projects that will disturb an area of land larger than one acre. An additional 11 industrial groups must also follow stormwater regulations carefully in Alameda County.
The stormwater consulting team at CAL INC can help determine if there are any federal, state or local regulations in Alameda County that govern stormwater runoff and your industrial activity. We can help you create a comprehensive stormwaterplan to ensure that you comply with Alameda County regulations and avoid costly fines.
At CAL INC, we pride ourselves on providing the best in stormwater consulting to clients throughout Alameda County. Our team is here to help you determine how your enterprise can meet regulatory stormwaterdemands. We've handled both large- and small-scale stormwaterconsulting projects for municipalities, manufacturers and contractors throughout Alameda County.
Choosing CAL INC to provide stormwater consulting and training is a great way to ensure compliance with federal, state and Alameda County regulations. Our stormwater consulting services also:
Meeting your stormwater management needs means for Alameda County providing a full complement of stormwater consulting and training services. Our stormwater consulting services include:
We provide both standalone stormwater consulting services on an as-needed basis and turnkey stormwaterproject management for all of your stormwater management needs in Alameda County.
At CAL INC, we're proud to be the leading provider of EPA and OSHA training and certification courses in Northern California for stormwater. We offer QSP and QSD courses for Alameda County municipalities, manufacturers and contractors. Please call us to learn more about the stormwater training courses that we currently offer and how we can help meet your stormwaterconsulting needs.
Cal Inc is the leading provider of lead abatement services in Alameda County offering abatement services for residential, commercial and government buildings throughout Alameda County. Cal Inc’s lead abatement services include: lead paint abatement for interior walls, lead paint abatement in piping, and lead paint abatement for exterior walls and siding for buildings throughout Alameda County. The San Francisco Bay borders Alameda County on the west, and the City and County of San Francisco, California has a small land border with the city of Alameda due to land filling. The crest of the Berkeley Hills form part of the northeastern boundary, and reach into the center of Alameda County. A coastal plain several miles wide lines the bay; it is home to Oakland and the most populous regions. Livermore Valley lies in the eastern part of Alameda County.
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