
Mold Education and Refreshers


#1025 Mold Remediation/Inspection Refresher


If you don’t find the date that works for you, CALINC Training, can hold special onsite classes at your location or at our home office in Vacaville, CA.
Contact us today at training@cal-inc.com or at (800) 359-4467! Prices may vary by location.

Request On-Site Training Proposal


This class is held in person at our office since it is lecture only.

If you are an environmental and/or public health professional, take the Mold Course "Introduction to Mold and Mold Remediation for Environmental and Public Health Professionals."

The prevention of mold growth is only possible if the factors causing the growth are identified, controlled, and eliminated. This course will address the causes of microbial (mold) infestation, how to recognize it, what to do about it, how to protect yourself from it, and how to remediate it.

This training is for employees who will function as a Mold Remediation contractor or Mold Inspector and has completed the Initial class.


Please call 1-800-359-4467 if you are interested in enrolling in this course. Currently course registration is not available through the website.

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