This Safety at Heights course covers the Cal/OSHA Fall Protection Standard (29 CFR 1926 Subpart M) for construction and an overview of fall protection methods. Course topics include principles of safety at heights/ fall protection, components and limitations of fall arrest systems, and OSHA Standards and policies regarding fall protection. Students will participate in workshops demonstrating the inspection and use of fall protection equipment, residential construction fall protection, training requirements, and developing a fall protection program. Upon course completion students will have the ability to assess compliance with the OSHA Fall Protection Standard, evaluate installed passive systems and fall arrest systems, and develop and implement fall protection plans.
Course Hours
- Initial: For individuals that are not experienced or previously trained, the initial class is 8 hours long.
- Retraining: For individuals with previous training AND field experience, the retraining is 4 hours long. Class will go over the following topics, but in a shortened timeframe due to them having previous experience.
- Retraining should also occur when the when the employer has reason to believe that any affected employee who has already been trained, does not have the understanding and skill required.
- It is recommended that an employee retrains every 3 years.