
Asbestos Initials


#1030 - Asbestos Awareness - 4 hours


If you don’t find the date that works for you, CALINC Training, can hold special onsite classes at your location or at our home office in Vacaville, CA.
Contact us today at training@cal-inc.com or at (800) 359-4467! Prices may vary by location.

Request On-Site Training Proposal


PLEASE NOTE: This course may be completed in person, OR virtually from home.
Please specify when enrolling how you would like to attend.

This training course is designed to help companies comply with EPA Standard 40 CFR 763.92(a)(1) and the OSHA Asbestos Standards (8 CCR 1529 and 29 CFR 1926.1101) Information presented includes but is not limited to: what asbestos is, various uses and forms, potential health effects, where asbestos containing materials (ACM) and presumed asbestos containing materials (PACM) are commonly found, how to recognize asbestos hazards due to damage or deterioration, and what OSHA regulations apply to workers who work with or work around asbestos and what other OSHA regulations affect you or your company. Additional training beyond this course is needed if you disturb asbestos containing materials (ACMs) by such tasks as drilling, sanding, cutting, chipping or otherwise handling an ACM that is not intact.

Course Hours: 8:00AM-12:00PM

Complimentary coffee is offered.
Lunch is no longer provided.
As of March 2022- Masks are no longer required regardless of vaccination status. For additional questions please email training@cal-inc.com

You will receive more information about your virtual classroom after you have enrolled. Please ensure you have the following-
Reliable WI-FI, computer or smart device compatible with the GoToTraining platform. Typically government issued devices block this website. For more information please email training@cal-inc.com


Please call 1-800-359-4467 if you are interested in enrolling in this course. Currently course registration is not available through the website.

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